2021 Ohio APME- Broadcast

Best Coverage of a Scheduled Event ( Television II)Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: WFMJ-TV
    Entry Title: The Canfield Fair
    Entry Credit: Lauren Stebelton, Madison Tromler
    Judge Comment: While the Canfield Fair wasn't the hardest of news, you can see how much care went into covering this planned event - and the coverage didn't ignore the harder news angle of how COVID might affect the event.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: WTAP-TV
    Entry Title: James Hendershot murder trial
    Entry Credit: WTAP News
    Judge Comment: Daily coverage of a trial can be difficult under regular circumstances. Trying to do it with a COVID-inspired change of venue makes it even tougher. Hats off to the folks who kept us updated from the beginning of this trial to the end.
  • Competition Comment: None