2021 Ohio APME- Broadcast

Best Use of Photography ( Television II)Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: WTVG-TV
    Entry Title: Golf, Jeeps, and Bunnies: or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love My Job
    Entry Credit: Tony Geftos
    Judge Comment: The clear winner. From the nat sound to the editing to the overall storytelling, there was a lot to like here! Drone shots were nice and used creatively and sparingly. This wasn't about the drone. Keep up the great work!
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: WTOL-TV
    Entry Title: Glass City River Wall Mural
    Entry Credit: Joe Cromer
    Judge Comment: The photographer did an excellent job taking on a very big project. A very. BIG. project. Loved all the perspectives: being up close and far away and even up in the air. A job well done.
  • Competition Comment: Some solid entries here and a very tight battle for second place. Interesting that some of the work entered was a composite and others were single pieces. But solid work all around.