2021 Ohio APME- Newspaper

Best Graphics Artist ( Division II)Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: The (Celina) Daily Standard
    Entry Title: Fighter, Bugs, Oklahoma, Armyworms
    Entry Credit: Bill Thornbro
    Judge Comment: The use of photo and fonts to recreate the look of a fight poster was extremely creative. We also thought the bugs was a fun use of file art and the 1940s bulletin font really draws the eye.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: Cleveland Jewish News
    Entry Title: Jessica Simon - Body of Work Awards - Best Graphic Artist
    Entry Credit: Jessica Simon
    Judge Comment: Very nice use of color throughout, we particularly liked using the color in subheads and fonts to match colors in the photos.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: Cleveland Jewish News
    Entry Title: Stephen Valentine - Body of Work
    Entry Credit: Stephen Valentine
    Judge Comment: The use of lines to draw the eye is nicely done .We enjoyed the rainbow of colors in the artist profile.