2021 Ohio APME- Newspaper

Best Investigative Reporting ( Division I)Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: The Marion Star
    Entry Title: Marion township fire problems
    Entry Credit: Mitch Hooper
    Judge Comment: Crucial investigation on an issue of high importance to public safety. Reporter uncovered a serious problem, accessed crucial evidence to prove that problem, and egged on community leaders to address the problem while keeping readers informed about steps being taken to address their safety. This is why we have local news. Without such reporting, our communities are less safe and those in power go unchecked...and people die. Excellent work.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: The (Fremont) News-Messenger
    Entry Title: "Put-in-Bay police chief under investigation"
    Entry Credit: Craig Shoup
    Judge Comment: Strong coverage of an important safety issue. Reporter tracked down body cam footage to prove the victim's complaint, counteracting the everything's-OK comments of officials, and thoroughly explained previous safety concerns by the police department to put the incident in context. Good investigative work to keep a community safer.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: Port Clinton News-Herald
    Entry Title: Sheriff accused of mishandling 2008 report of rape involving former officers
    Entry Credit: Jon Stinchcomb
    Judge Comment: Good investigative work reporting on potential police corruption. Reporter didn't back down when neither police nor the prosecutor wanted the stories written. Reporter didn't give the police official a pass because the incident was in the past and reminded readers to be on their guard, even with people with people with badges.