2021 Ohio APME- Newspaper

Best Video ( Division V)Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: The Cincinnati Enquirer
    Entry Title: 'Devils in that water': How flooding changes communities forever
    Entry Credit: Meg Vogel
    Judge Comment: Outstanding video. Love the mix of past footage of the 1997 flood with how the neighborhood looks today, and the talking heads were perfectly shot, to capture how personal it is for anyone who experienced the flood. It compliments the written story quite well while also standing on its own, which makes for a winning entry.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: The (Cleveland) Plain Dealer
    Entry Title: John Pana
    Entry Credit: John Pana
    Judge Comment: An excellent explainer that is very clear and concise. Love the examples of positive tests and what results are considered invalid. The visual cues and directions make it easy to understand, especially the red-highlighted warnings.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: The Columbus Dispatch
    Entry Title: Columbus man haunted by memories of being raped by Catholic priest
    Entry Credit: Courtney Hergesheimer
    Judge Comment: Very haunting and personal; good mix of talking head and B-roll to take me more into Chris's life. The opening shot lingered a little long, but it was cute. Overall, a very personal and emotional video that pairs well with the written story.