2021 Michigan APME-Newspaper Contest

Best Sports Column ( Division II)Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: The Saginaw News
    Entry Title: Huh? You aren’t alone if you think some of these coronavirus rules for athletes don’t make sense
    Entry Credit: Hugh Bernreuter
    Judge Comment: This column was well written and hit on a subject that several people could relate to. Hugh did a great job of breaking down all of the rules and why they are inconsistent across the board. It was a well thought out piece.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: The Ann Arbor News
    Entry Title: Jim Harbaugh says he has a plan for Michigan. Here’s what needs to happen
    Entry Credit: Aaron McMann
    Judge Comment: A well-written piece with a great breakdown of what Harbaugh needs to do moving forward.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: The Bay City Times
    Entry Title: 10 things I found in my golf bag: A Lee Thompson column
    Entry Credit: Lee Thompson
    Judge Comment: A column that every golfer can relate to at the beginning of the golf season. Well written.