Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Dayton Daily News Entry Title: Hoover Avenue Standoff Entry Credit: Marshall Gorby Judge Comment: Covering 'barricaded gunmen' assignments is pretty common, but to get a photo of the perpetrator on the move with a gun in his hand is extremely rare.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Dayton Daily News Entry Title: Marshall Gorby Best News Photo SWAT Team Entry Credit: Marshall Gorby Judge Comment: This photo is from the same event as the first place winner, but it is another amazing photo from a spot news situation.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: The Columbus Dispatch Entry Title: January 6th Protests Entry Credit: Joshua A. Bickel Judge Comment: The photographer showed a lot of nerve to step right up to this situation and shoot it at close range. they were rewarded with a powerful image.