Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: The Cincinnati Enquirer Entry Title: addiction pandemic coverage of Terry DeMio Entry Credit: Terry DeMio Judge Comment: It’s a real pleasure to read stories by someone who are both clearly committed to the subject matter and who are well-sourced. Sentences flowed beautiful, breaking down even the most complex ideas into chunks that were easy to understand without softening the issue at hand.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: The (Cleveland) Plain Dealer Entry Title: Following the redistricting Entry Credit: politics staff Judge Comment: Important work with state-wide impact. Broke down complex topics very well, and the submitted stories do a great job of demonstrating that this team was really tracking this every step of the way. I appreciated the work to make clear to voters how this affected them specifically, even if they weren't in the Cleveland area.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: The Columbus Dispatch Entry Title: Undocumented crime victims who assist police are often denied help in getting visa Entry Credit: Yilun Cheng Judge Comment: None