Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: The Grand Rapids Press Entry Title: Creating chaos: The transfer portal is changing the college sports landscape Entry Credit: Chris Morris Judge Comment: Whether you are a sports fan or not anyone who sees this illustration is going to dive into the story that accompanies it. Perfect blend of wit and color using the recognizable college logos in unique way. A clear winner and text book example of what an illustration should bring to an issue or topic.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Detroit Free Press Entry Title: Miggy 500: Swing music Entry Credit: Ryan Ford Judge Comment: Whether you have never heard of Miguel Cabrera or not this excellent info-graphic is a perfect way to understand the impact of his career in baseball. The presentation is clean and easy to digest. It doesn't overwhelm like other info-graphics can at times. And the research behind all the numbers was no small task. Excellent visual journalism.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: The Grand Rapids Press Entry Title: Go! Your summertime guide to hitting the road Entry Credit: Andrea Levy Judge Comment: No one could pick up this guide and not want to open it after seeing such an amazing cover. The illustration simply makes the reader want to head for the beach or a park or a get-away spot right way. Very well designed and great use of color.