Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Sandusky Register Entry Title: Colleen Carroll - Best Spot News Entry Credit: Colleen Carroll Judge Comment: I felt this entry most represented the idea of "spot news" when you don't have time to plan, things are breaking, and you are just pulling together the information available and weaving an informative story Great job on all three pieces.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Mansfield News Journal Entry Title: 38-year-old man shot and killed by police after three-hour standoff Entry Credit: Monroe Trombly, Lou Whitmire Judge Comment: Great spot coverage on a type of story were information can be difficult to get and can change several times during the course of a few hours.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Sandusky Register Entry Title: Roller coaster part falls, strikes guest Entry Credit: The Sandusky Register Judge Comment: Just from reading these stories I get the idea that it is not always easy to get information out of the PR folks at Cedar Point. These stories reflected an effort to get information that might not be immediately offered up and to describe the safety concerns surrounding the incident.