Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Midland Daily News Entry Title: One year later (Midland continues its recovery from the mid-Michigan dam failures Entry Credit: Midland Daily News Staff Judge Comment: These stories examine the 2020 dam collapse, one of the biggest disasters in the region's history, from multiple angles, reporting on the resiliency and determination of the community to carry on with life. Very informative, well-organized and well written. In-depth, powerful reporting.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Ludington Daily News Entry Title: COVID-19: A Year Later Judge Comment: This comprehensive, well-organized, well written team effort explores the impact of COVID one year after it first hit the U.S. Articles are well-sourced, educational and informative.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: The Daily Globe Entry Title: Generations lost Entry Credit: Zachary Marano Judge Comment: This story explains a little-known dark secret in American history, the government's forcing of young Native Americans into boarding schools to erase their culture and history. Very well written and researched, it shows how compelling and important journalism can be even in a single story.